2022 Annual General Meeting
November 25, 2022
2022 Annual General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting of the Bacchus Marsh Basketball Association was held Tuesday 15 November at the BM Stadium.
The 2022/23 Committee elected is as follows:
President: Wayne Slack
Vice President: Rob Tomczyk
Treasurer: Leigh Bradbury
Secretary: Melissa Strang
General Member: Dave Chamapness
General Member: Carole Waters
Thank you to everyone that nominated and attended and we look forward to working with you and all the other members of our Association, as our sub-committees are formed over the coming weeks.
To view the Minutes, Presidents Report, and Financial Statements please click here.
Your Committee is looking forward to a very busy 2023, as we prepare to move to the new stadium, continue to grow our membership and improve the quality of all our competitions.
Kind regards,
BMBA Committee